Motivation is inside you

We all keep looking for some motivation, and especially when we feel so lazy, but the problem of most of us is that we search in the wrong areas. It is true that the stories of successful people and those who faced fail and they got up, spark all kind of inspiration and motivation, but let me tell you this, you have something better inside you. Something that can make you work even if you don't like it, something that will enable you to leave your comfortable bed and go to the gym.

No one can dare to negate that we cannot apply any rule to all human beings, so when it comes to motivation every single person should have his own. Each one of us must have his proper fuel, something that make our dreams special and unique, because if you think that money or fame can push you to your limits you are absolutely wrong. The only thing that make people go ahead and reaching their goals is emotion, because as I said before emotions create motion. It can be love, brotherhood, patriotism...or even anger. Hell yeah !! sometime even a bad feeling can be a motivator. Look to the story of some great people of our time like Les brown who wanted to succeed to buy his mother a house, or Eric thomas who went back to school to make something special so that his son doesn't quit school as he did, or Anthony robbins who mad a promise to himself that each thanks-given he will feed a family or more. this is what most successful people call a "WHY", and you already have it, because it is inside you, it is something that will help you achieve your goals. So look inside, get your "WHY" and stop waiting and seeking for something that doesn't suit you, you are unique, as your must motivation be. 

Never forget, you are gonna be successful.

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"You are so special to get an average life, shine on like diamond and make the whole world notice your uniqueness"


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