How to deal with stress

Stress can destroy your life if you don't deal with it effectively, and especially the negative one. Stress can also harm your body and affect your health. It has been proven that stress can make you suffer from some diseases such as: Stomach ulcers, memory lost, high blood pressure...and many others.

Did you know that in the last year more than 77% of citizens of the united stats claim to regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress?

worse! 73 % experience psychological symptoms and 33 % Feel they are living with extreme stress, furthermore they all claim that this, is affecting negatively their lives but they can do nothing about it, because they think that success is  like that. Sorry to tell that this is stupid. Success is being able to do what we like and enjoy it. Those who are stressed all the day cannot call themselves successful people. Life is about enjoyment and personal satisfaction  and you cannot get that if you stress about nothing and everything.

Before moving to solutions let talk a little bit about causes. I think that money is the cause number one, because we live in a world of capitalism. Everyone want more and we all got affected by the demoniac marketing strategies. So we buy everything they present to us, even if we don't really need to. So here according to American Psychological Association, American Institute of Stress, seven causes of stress:
  1. Job Pressure
  2. Money
  3. Health
  4. Relationships
  5. Poor nutrition
  6. Media overload
  7. Sleep deprivation 
So many think that it is something we can't control or it has to be. Yes! It is true. Sometimes stress can have a positive impact on you, because it can play the rule of a motivator that makes you work harder, but as I said before lot of it will destroy your life, so we have to be attention with this. So let me present to you this set of tips to help you deal with stress:
  1. Free your mind from time to time: you can do that by yoga, meditation, getting a massage or if you a religious person you should pray to your creator.
  2. Do some art: artworks need lot of imagination which can help you stop thinking too much about the problems you face.
  3. Workout: for me working out is the solution of both mental and physical problems
  4. Learn how to control your emotions: I talked about this here, check it out for more details
According to Dale Carnegie the most effective way to control stress is by solving immediately our problems, and here is according to him how to do it:
  • Get all the facts
  • Weigh all the facts – then come to a decision
  • Once a decision is reached – ACT!! 
This is it, I hope it will help and never forget, You are gonna be successful

"You are so special to get an average life, shine on like diamond and make the whole world notice your uniqueness"


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