Enjoy your life

Enjoy your life

Life is a gift that a given, people who can understand that will get a magnificent existence, because in that time they can enjoy peacefully life despite the circumstances. Yes the world we live in, is so cruel, and it will punch you so hard on the face every single time it has a chance to do so, don't think that there is a magical formula for not getting punched, because in life you will fail once at least unless you decide to do nothing, and not doing something is fail itself, because we were created to rise, and greatness was created to be upon people like you, me and all of us. So you will stumble and sometimes you will fall, and if you let it people will past on you, and you will be forgotten, so my only advice for here is, once you are down, smile back to life and get up as fast as you can, because now you know one of the methods that your enemies can use to stop you, so the next time you can be ready. I know !! you were thinking that I'll give you some advices for not getting down, but sorry it is life, and life is about ups and downs, if you can't enjoy your falls you will not be able to enjoy your raises. But don't understand me wrong, I'm not talking here about loving being down. To enjoy your falls means to learn from your mistakes and to be ready by improving yourself and by getting some change, so take it as a chance to progress, and not an opportunity to give up, and enjoy you raises by contributing and helping people, and mostly by inspiring others, to start believing in themselves and to start doing something special with their lives, so be an example, because in somehow your life belongs also to those who are around you, they are waiting for someone to show them that happiness exist, be that person, enjoy and make them enjoy being alive, so that you can enjoy greatness.

"You are so special to get an average life, shine on like diamond and make the whole world notice your uniqueness"


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