How to succeed in life, the 6 steps method

Success is the dream of everyone, and most people know that in order to get successful we need to work hard, yet no one have an idea about what to do to get to that working hard phase. Hard working is a result of a process that need awareness, patient and perseverance.

Today I will try to talk to you about the steps to reach success and greatness. So here are the 6 steps that will lead you to that place you always dreamed about:

  1. Choose your convictions : By doing this you are answering one of the most important question which is the "HOW" question. When you choose your conviction you are committing yourself to a method that suits your moralities, because there is many methods to reach success, yet the best one for you is the method that match your beliefs.
  2. Get a dream : This step is so important, because you can't get successful if you go through life wishing for a simple  and average life, you have to know what you want, whether it is fulfillment, knowledge or money... Choose well, because whatever you choose, if you keep going you'll get it.

  3. Determine your motivation : This is your "WHY", the thing that will make you keep trying and retrying even if you can't see some results. This is your fuel, your source of energy when you feel down, and as I said before motivation is inside you.
  4. Eradicate the negative thoughts from your mind : What I mean by this, is that sometimes we need to stop for a while and adjust our self-belief, because what turns in our minds has a huge impact on our behavior, the life we get is only a reflection of our thoughts, so to get successful we need to erase the bad thinking from our minds.
  5. Be ready to fail : Some people start their journey perfectly, but they forget about something very important, something that may happen to any one of us, which is fail, and those kind of people quit at the first stumbling block on their road, simply because they were not ready for it.
  6. Work hard : Working hard is so simple when you know your "HOW", "WHAT" and "WHY", so embrace it, and don't rest until you reach a place in which, while working your in a mental peace.
Here we are. The choice is  yours, you can rise to the top or you can choose to get forgotten.

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"You are so special to get an average life, shine on like diamond and make the whole world notice your uniqueness"


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