Your mind is powerful
Our minds are powerful, but most of us don't know that, they think that success is only a result of hard working, did you ever ask yourself about how to convince yourself to work hard for something?
As a human beings, we all get lazy and weak sometimes, it is pretty normal, don't be ashamed, but those who keep moving and never stop are those with a powerful mind, a mind that always keeps telling them that they are worth something, always keeps motivating them and showing them a way to get what they want, and not making excuses to give up and quit, and believe it or not, you are the only one responsible for making your mind telling you whatever you want. Program your mind to tell you something good about yourself and you will always hear an inner voice telling you that you are good and that voice will always encourage you to keep trying once you fail, but if you keep saying bad things about yourself, all you will hear is bad things, or excuses for your situation, and of course you know that excuses lead to nothing, but to be an average, because great people never make excuses, they find a way to get all they want. people never stop complaining about their life, their skills, their government...and by doing that their minds stop thinking and start waiting , because they believe that something else will come and make their dreams come true, which is not true, I don't know how this people dare to say that they got a dream ? HOW dare you saying that you got a dream and not shutting your mouth up? because when you say it is because of him or her or is like you are lying to yourself and believing the lie, you mind is like a mirror, it will always show you what you keep putting in front of it, because as Henry ford said: