Stop being stupid

The good news is that you are waking up, because you are looking for some change in this humble blog, the bad news is that there are many things that will blow your mind and make you an asshole, and if you let this shit controls your life you will become a puppet of THE MAN, don't you know who is THE MAN? here is this scene from one of my favorite movies talking about THE MAN:

 The School of rock

But don't give up as he said :P, fight back every life's aspect that is making you so stupid. Here is the top 4 of things that THE MAN is using to make you his slave:

  1. Your smart phone: I always said to myself that smart phones were made to create stupid people, just think of it , when is the last time you were in a restaurant or a public place without seeing a group of person (calling themselves "going out together") and not even talking to each other ?  each one of them is so focused on his phone and doesn't give a shit about communicating.
  2. Facebook: actually 80% of INTERNET users open facebook at the first place, to do what ? to check if Catherine or July published a picture or a comment on their useless posts... just observe people on your facebook account, don't you see stupid people ?
  3. MTV: Music industry is the most powerful tool to blow your mind , guess why ! because we all love music and it can easily impact our-lives, so choose well what you are listening to and be careful.
  4. Commercial movies: this is another thing that we should be careful of, because movies can easily transmit some ideas about a superficial life that doesn't exist.
Don't understand me wrong, because I'm not saying here stop using this or watching that...because I believe that those things are tools with 2 edges, and it is up to you to use the proper edge for you, but don't let it control you and never make you life depends on something.

"You are so special to get an average life, shine on like diamond and make the whole world notice your uniqueness"


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