The most difficult step while you are trying to reach your goals is to stay motivated and excited about your objectives the whole long as you can do this, be sure that you will achieve your targets, but most people cannot afford that, furthermore in general they quit and forget about their dreams after a while of time, and some of them quit even before trying, just because someone told them they can't or it will not work. So be sure that motivation is the key of your success and it is the only thing that will enable you to get up once you are down.
Here is 4 things that will help you to stay focused and motivated:
- Do something you enjoy: As I said before, if you are doing some stuff you don't like or you cant stand, you will never be as motivated as if the stuff you were doing, is bringing to you some personal satisfaction.
- Stay away from cowards: you know those people who put their fingers on your face and tell you can't do it or it is too difficult, don't ever believe them, because people can't do something themselves they wanna tell you you can't do it as Will smith said.
- Always start small: Start with 50% of your capacities and gradually develop and progress because Happiness is the progress
- Manage your time: I talked about this here ,but give yourself a reward (a piece of chocolate as an example, but not too much :P) after each task.